A healthy internal team means a healthy organization! Being in good physical and mental shape also sets a person up to be great at their job. We at the City of Largo understand this and offer our team members a series of resources, benefits, and ways to promote health and well-being among individuals and teams.


Health Advocate
Find a variety of mental and fiscal health tools, resources, webinars, and more.
Mental Health eResources
Explore digital downloads from the Library, or consider downloading mindfulness apps such as Calm or Headspace to your device.
Find a Fitness Class
Team members enjoy a yearly fitness reimbursement with Largo Recreation. Check out fitness classes and invite a team member to join you.
Recognize a Team Member
Give someone a moral boost with a team shout-out or a small way to say, "Thanks!"
Wellness Bingo
Email your card to [email protected] before Jan 31!
Wellness Services
Explore Team Largo wellness services and benefits available.

Population Size


Largest City in Tampa Bay

Acres of Park Land


Largo Businesses