Downtown Events and Promotions Grant

The goal of the Downtown Events and Promotion Assistance Program is to offer financial assistance and promotional support to new and emerging events and promotions that benefit the entire West Bay Drive Community Redevelopment District (WBD-CRD) and are planned and hosted by:
  • An individual business
  • A group of businesses
  • A merchant association
  • A residential or neighborhood group
The WBD-CRD wants to showcase the vibrancy and variety of experiences that a visitor, resident, or business can have in Downtown Largo and be able to assist in underwriting a portion of the development of new events and promotions that will benefit Downtown Largo.

Please note - assistance is based on the availability of program funding and is not guaranteed.

Who is eligible for the program?

What can program funds be used for?

How can my organization apply?

What is the funding criteria?

How will I know if my application has been approved?