Development Review Process

The Development Review Team guides citizens, developers, and builders in the processing of development approvals including site plans, conditional uses and hardship relief. They are also responsible for reviewing development proposals and permits to determine compliance with the City’s Comprehensive Development Code (CDC) regulations including signage, accessory uses (fences, shed, etc.) and building setbacks as well as ensuring consistency and compatibility with the surrounding future land use designations.

It is the responsibility of the Development Review Team to administer the CDC to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and business of Largo.

What Are You Looking For?

Neighborhood Information Meetings
Participate and learn about upcoming projects.
Development Review Committee (DRC)
Schedule an appointment with us today.
Comprehensive Development Code
Find information regarding development standards, allowable uses and more for your intended use.

Population Size


Largest City in Tampa Bay

Acres of Park Land


Largo Businesses